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Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad with Placement Support

4.71/5 | 2 Lakh+ Ratings
Enroll in our Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad designed by industry experts from IITs and Top MNCs. With a curriculum designed based on the company’s skill requirements, become job-ready with an Industry-ready certificate.
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Your Seniors Got Placed. It’s Your Turn Now!

Non-Engineering Degree
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I didn’t face any difficulty during my learning journey, all thanks to the amazing and well-organised curriculum of NxtWave. I really liked the mentors' teaching methodologies. They explained things clearly and step-by-step, and revisiting the classes was great practice for me. The placement team was also very supportive and friendly. They boosted my confidence, assuring me that they would always be there to help if I needed it. The mock interviews and feedback were incredibly helpful before the actual interview. They made me feel prepared and reduced my nervousness by simulating the real interview environment. Before joining NxtWave, I only had theoretical knowledge, which wasn’t enough for landing a tech job. But with the practical training and hands-on experience I gained, I became confident and successfully landed my desired job.
Bhargavi Yarlagadda
Software Engineer
Career Gap
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Even though I’m from a CSE background, I struggled to secure a good job because my coding skills were not up to the mark. I faced rejection from around 20 to 25 companies due to a lack of skills. However, things changed after joining NxtWave. The sessions at NxtWave were incredibly user-friendly and clearly explained. The availability of teaching in Telugu made complex concepts more accessible and easier to grasp, enhancing my learning experience. The way doubts were clarified was also very helpful—I always received prompt and useful responses from the team whenever I posted a query. NxtWave offers training regardless of your background or year of graduation, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to improve their skills. Thanks to this program, I was able to upskill myself and land a promising tech job.
Software Engineer
Non-IT job to IT job
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During my ECE, I was focused on preparing for government jobs. After graduation, I secured a position at Sachivalayam. But later, I decided to explore other opportunities. Following my brother’s suggestion, I turned to the IT sector and joined NxtWave to build new skills. I continued working my government job during the day and dedicated my evenings to learning tech with NxtWave. The program’s flexibility allowed me to learn at my own pace. NxtWave’s sessions began with the basics and emphasized strengthening my fundamentals. This approach was invaluable and helped me understand complex concepts with ease. Starting with no coding skills, I progressed to becoming industry-ready and secured three tech job offers. All thanks to this amazing program.
Sonia Suvvada
Junior Software Engineer
Non-IT job to IT job
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I was doing a BPO job to support my family, but I’ve always dreamed of working in the IT sector and earning the title of Software Engineer. Thanks to NxtWave, I was able to fulfill that dream. NxtWave helped me build the right skills for a strong tech career. The trainers were excellent at explaining tech concepts and guided me every step of the way. I’m incredibly thankful to NxtWave for giving me the skills to turn my dream job into a reality. My entire family is thrilled!
Ch saikumar
Software Engineer
Non-IT Branch to IT Job
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I finished my M.Tech in Machine Design. Through friends, I learned that IT has more opportunities, so I decided to switch to the IT field. After joining NxtWave and attending the front-end sessions, I gained confidence that I could land a job anywhere with the help of NxtWave’s tech training. NxtWave boosted my career confidence. Here, I've learned everything I needed for a job and industry standards. Earlier, I wasn't sure how to present my projects on my resume, but the resume-building sessions helped me a lot. The team guided me on creating a strong resume and how to handle interviews. Before NxtWave, I only knew Python. After joining, I learned many new technologies and gained a better understanding of what companies need. Thank you, NxtWave for the great support!
Pravin Kumar Maurya
Jr. Web Developer
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I chose NxtWave because everything was clearly explained on the website, and the reverse-engineering approach was impressive. Unlike other platforms, NxtWave offers a great curriculum and excellent doubt assistance. If we post our doubts, they clarify them with great explanations. NxtWave's curriculum is advanced and effective for learning skills. It offered individual learning plans and allowed me to learn at my own pace. Doing coding practices and assignments after each session helped me enhance my skills. What I liked most is that they made me do hands-on practice and build applications while learning. This type of learning boosted my confidence and helped me perform well in interviews. Before joining NxtWave, I wasn’t fully confident about the skills. Now, I am very confident about them.
R A V S R Vamsi Krishna
Software Engineer
Non-IT job to IT job
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I wasn’t satisfied with my non-tech job, so I decided to shift my career from EEE to the IT sector. I began learning tech skills, but I felt I was missing proper guidance, so I started looking for a training program that could provide that. A friend told me about the NxtWave program and I enrolled in it. At first, I found coding very challenging, but after listening to the sessions, I realized it was much easier than I had thought. The code playground was incredibly useful, allowing me to practice and refine my skills. The mock interviews conducted by the team were also very helpful. They boosted my confidence for actual interviews by providing valuable feedback. With the support of this amazing program, I successfully landed a tech job.
Chandana Vadlagatta
Software Engineer
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NxtWave’s course structure is outstanding and better than most offline coaching centers. The simplified sessions, combined with helpful practice sets and assignments, make learning easy and effective. By maintaining consistency and following a daily schedule, I was able to upskill myself significantly. Additionally, the mindset training sessions were excellent for keeping me motivated and helped me grow both personally and professionally. Overall, NxtWave is a fantastic platform that provides everything under one roof.
Chandu Choppalli
Software Engineer
Non-IT Branch to IT Job
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I graduated with a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Through campus placement, I secured a job and began my career as an Automation Developer. However, I wasn’t gaining much exposure in my role. To explore better opportunities, I decided to upskill and joined NxtWave. Although I had some coding knowledge before, NxtWave’s comprehensive training provided me with a solid foundation and extensive practice, significantly improving my coding skills. I highly recommend NxtWave to anyone passionate about coding. Their well-designed modules and excellent training can truly make you industry-ready. With NxtWave’s guidance, I successfully upskilled myself and now earning more than double my previous salary.
Akhila Paruchuri
Production Support Analyst
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Full Stack Developer Course Hyderabad Overview

Our Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad will help you master the essentials of modern web development and secure a high-paying software job. This course lets you build industry-relevant skills. With dedicated placement support, you'll be well on your way to a successful career in no time.
Key Highlights
live sessions
Live Sessions (Monday to Friday)
To learn coding best practices, get interview tips, discuss doubts and more from experts.
dedicated success coach
Dedicated Success Coach for Every Student
To guide you and ensure a smooth learning journey
placement success manager
Placement Success Manager
To give feedback on your interview performance and boost your confidence
mage offline placement drives
Mega Offline Placement Drives
Once in every 3 months
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Full Stack Developer Course Curriculum

Our Full Stack Web Development Course comes in modules that cover the following topics

Build Your Own Static Website

This course helps you build a strong foundation on web technologies such as HTML,
CSS. With this, you will create and publish simple and beautiful websites from scratch.

Software Development Fundamentals
  • Importance of Frontend
  • Fundamentals
  • Syntax
  • Debugging
  • Tweaking Code
HTML Basics
  • Getting Started
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Button
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Hyperlinks
  • HTML Containers
  • HTML Lists
CSS Basics
  • CSS Rulesets
  • CSS Properties
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Units
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Margins
  • CSS Paddings
  • CSS Borders
Bootstrap Components
  • Carousel
  • Embedding Videos
Course Project

Tourism Website

Build your Tourism Website by using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap

Build Your Own Responsive Website

This course helps you build a strong foundation on web technologies such as HTML,CSS and Bootstrap. With this, you can create a responsive web application which runs smoothly across all the devices like desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Intermediate CSS
  • Block vs inline elements
  • CSS Selectors
  • Class Selector
  • CSS Specificity
  • Id Selector
  • CSS Inheritance
  • Type Selector
  • CSS Cascading
Course Project

Food Munch

Build a responsive Food Munch website using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Grid System.

Bootstrap Grid System
  • Container
  • Row
  • Column
Bootstrap Utilities
  • Display Utilities
  • Flex Utilities
  • Sizing Utilities
  • Spacing Utilities
  • Colors
Bootstrap Components
  • Navbar
  • Buttons
Course Project

Ecommerce Website

Build a responsive Ecommerce website
using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Grid System

Programming Foundations with Python

You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to
code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to
solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles.

Fundamentals of Programming
  • Operators, Datatypes & Variables
  • Strings & Numbers
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • String Methods
  • Functions

Introduction to Databases

Learn about the incredibly prevalent databases today. Through this course, you'll develop 
strong fundamentals and be proficient in concepts related to Databases and DBMS. Most importantly, you'll also be able to perform powerful queries on databases using SQL.

Relational Databases
  • Introduction
  • SQL
  • Aggregation, Relationships,Join
  • Querying
  • ACID Properties

Programming with Python

You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles

Functions & Data Structures
  • Recursion
  • Lists and List Methods
  • Tuples & Sequences
  • Sets & Dictionaries
Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes & Objects in Python
  • Attributes & Methods
  • Inheritance & Polymorphism
Working with Python Standard Library

Developer Fundamentals

You will learn the essentials of Operating Systems, Networks and use some essential developer tools like Command-Line and Git. You'll learn to version your software with Git and push your code to GitHub

Introduction to OS & Networks
  • Overview of OS Concepts
  • Networks & Internet
  • Network Layer
  • Application Layer
  • Web Servers
Working with Command Line
  • Files & File System
  • Managing System Packages
  • Environment Variables
  • Network & SSH
Collaborating with Git
  • VCS & Git Repositories
  • Staging Area & Commits
  • Working with Branches
  • Issues & Pull Requests

Java Full Stack

Java Fundamentals
  • Data Types, Variables & Operators
  • Reading Input & Formatting Output
  • Conditions & Loops
  • Arrays
  • Java Collections
OOP with Java
  • Classes & Objects
  • Attributes & Methods (Instance, Static, Class)
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Public, Private, Protected Scopes
  • Encapsulation
  • Method Overloading & Overriding
  • Interfaces
  • Polymorphism
  • Generics & Exceptions
  • Multi threading
  • Important Design Patterns
Backend with Spring Boot
  • Overview of Spring Framework
  • Building Java Projects with Maven/Gradle
  • Building REST APIs with Spring Boot
  • Consuming RESTful Web Services
  • Working with Relational Data using JDBC
  • JPA and Hibernate
  • Uploading Files & Validating Form Inputs
  • Writing Unit Tests
  • Overview of Spring Batch
  • Overview of Spring Integration
  • Overview of Spring Cloud
  • Overview of Spring AOP

Dynamic Web Applications

Introduction to JavaScript
  • Data Types
  • Variables
  • Basic Operators
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Control Flow
  • Comments
  • Math Function
DOM Manipulation
  • The JavaScript Console
  • Introduction to the DOM
  • Defining the DOM
  • Select and Manipulate
  • Important Selector Methods
  • Manipulating Style
  • Manipulating Text and Content
  • Manipulating Attributes
  • Local Storage
Course Project

Todos Application

Build a Todos Application using HTML5, CSS3 and JS

  • The form element
  • The label element
  • The input element
  • The option element
  • The optgroup element
  • The button element
  • The select element
  • The textarea element
  • Form validations and Input
  • Validations
Array Methods
  • Adding & Removing Elements
  • Push
  • Unshift
  • Splice
  • Pop
  • Shift
  • Finding Elements
  • Find
  • IndexOf
  • Concat
Events, Fetch & Callbacks
  • How to add Event Listeners
  • Callbacks
  • Schedulers
  • SetTimeout
  • ClearTimeout
  • SetInterval
  • ClearInterval
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • HTTP Requests using Fetch
  • HTTP Responses
  • Working with JSON data
Course Project

Wikipedia Search Application

Build a Wikipedia Search Application using HTML5, CSS3, JS

Intermediate JavaScript

In this course, you will learn the concepts like Events, Scope, Hoisting, this, ES6 Classes, Error handling, More about Objects and how to handle Asynchronous JavaScript

Rest parameters and spread syntax
  • Destructuring Arrays
  • Destructuring Objects
More Objects
  • Constructor Functions
  • Factory Functions
  • Constructor Method
  • New keyword
  • This In Methods
  • Window Scope
  • This In Function Declarations
  • This In Events
Prototypes & ES6 Classes
  • Built-in Constructor Functions
  • Constructor Property
  • Inheritance
  • This In Classes
Asynchronous JS
  • Async/Await
  • Promises

Scope & Hoisting in JavaScript

Array Methods
  • Map
  • Filter
  • Reduce
String Manipulations
  • Trim & Split Methods
  • ToUpperCase & ToLowerCase Methods
  • Includes Method

Intermediate Responsive Web Design

This course will help you to develop responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox and CSS Media Queries

CSS Layouting
  • CSS Flexbox
  • Display
  • Ex-direction
  • Justify-content
  • Align-items
  • Ex-wrap
  • ex- ow
  • Align-content
  • Align-self
  • Ex-grow
  • Ex-shrink
  • order
  • Sizing Elements
  • Over flow
  • Box Sizing
  • Content Box
  • Border Box
CSS Media Queries
  • Media Query
  • Media Types
  • Media Features
  • Width, min-width, max-width
  • Height, min-height, max-height
  • Orientation
  • Combining Multiple Media Features in a single Media Query
  • Logical Operators (and)
  • Logical Operators (not)
  • Logical Operators (,)

React JS - Getting started

In this course, you will learn how to build stateful web applications with the ReactJS library. When you finish this course, you will be comfortable creating an application in ReactJS, from scratch

Introduction to React JS
  • Why React?
  • Stateful + Stateless components
  • Hello World
  • Introducing JSX
  • Rendering Elements
  • Components and Props
  • State and Lifecycle
  • Handling Events
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Lists and Keys
  • Forms
  • Composition vs Inheritance
  • Thinking In React
  • Styled Components
  • Emotion
  • Query parameters
  • Path parameters
Authentication and Authorization
Course Project

Ecommerce Application

Build an Ecommerce application using React JS

Capstone Project - Build a social networking web app

In this project you will be developing a Social networking web app with popular features like post, comment

Tools and Technologies used
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • S3
  • Route53
  • Cloudfront
  • Spring Boot
  • JPA
  • Designing & Querying Relational Database
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2000+ Companies hired NxtWave Learners

Companies Hired Trained Developers
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Skills You’ll Learn

This Java Full Stack training in Hyderabad covers a wide range of skills including:
latest technologies
latest technologies
latest technologies
latest technologies
latest technologies
Core Java
latest technologies
React JS
latest technologies
latest technologies
Spring Boot
latest technologies

Tools Covered

Some popular Tech Stack you'll have at your fingertips by the end of the Java Full Stack Developer Course.
latest technologies
latest technologies
latest technologies
Command Line
Java Full stack course
Next batch starts tomorrow
Projects you will build as part of the Full Stack Course
Build your portfolio with real-world projects.
Project 1
Tourism Website
Build your Tourism Website using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
Project 2
Food Delivery Website
Build a responsive Food Munch website using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap Grid System.
Project 3
Todos Application
Build a Todos Application using HTML5, CSS3, and JS.
Project 4
Wikipedia Search Application
Build a Wikipedia Search Application using HTML5, CSS3, and JS.
Project 5
E-commerce Application
Build an E-commerce Application using React JS.
Capstone Project
Social Networking web Application
Build a Social Networking Web Application with popular features like posts, comments, etc.
Job Opportunities
After completing the program, you'll have access to the best-in-class placement assistance. More than 2000+ top IT companies have hired NxtWave learners for various roles with salaries up to ₹36 LPA.
Job options
Full Stack Web Developer 
Job options
Java Developer
Job options
Python Developer
Job options
Front End Developer 
Job options
Back End Developer
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Get Certified

Yes, you’ll get a certificate representing your Industry Readiness once you submit your projects and clear the pre placement test.
IRC certificate
Industry-Ready Certification [IRC]
Unlike any academic certificate, for the first-time in India, IRC certifies your job readiness.
share your profile
Shareable, Credible and Official
Add it to your LinkedIn, share it on Twitter & WhatsApp, or via Email. Make your profile stand out everywhere.
compines hire
Let companies compete for you
IRC certifies your industry-readiness and gets you placed with higher salaries.
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The NxtWave Advantage
Doubts Clarification
Placements Record
Placements Opportunities
Institute Recognised by
Access to Labs
AI Mock Interviews
Expert Mock Interviews
Seniors’ Interview Experiences
Scheduling Interviews
Salary Negotiation with
Intensive Full Stack Course
Designed as per companies’ current requirements
9AM - 9PM Doubt Clarification.
1500+ Mentors to help you.
Alumni of IIT & Top MNCs like Amazon, Microsoft.
Built world-class products
Proven results for every branch, degree, CGPA
Unlimited from a pool of
3000+ companies
Recognized by
10+ Real-time Projects that makes your resume strong
24x7 Online State-of-the-art Labs. No installation/setup needed.
with NxtMock
With Dedicated Tech & HR Panels
Access to 300+ Sessions
For higher salaries
Other Coaching Institutes
Not industry-aligned
Only 1-2 hours per day
No real world project experience
For only select branches, degrees
Limited (15-20)
No recognition
~1-2 real time projects
Only 2 hours/day
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Founders Mr. Anupam Pedarla and Mr. Sashank Gujjula made it to the prestigious 2024 Forbes India 30 Under 30 list!
Recognized as the Greatest Brand in Education
Recognised as
Best Tech Skilling
EdTech Company
by Times Business Awards in 2022
Recognised as
Trusted Brand in Education
by Prime Insights in 2023

Mr. Sashank Gujjula, Co-founder, NxtWave, receiving the ‘Best Tech Skilling EdTech Company’ award by Times Business Awards

Mr. Sashank Gujjula, Co-founder, NxtWave, receiving the prestigious award by T-Hub
Recognised by
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Full Stack Developer Course Fee

Choose your Payment Plan
What’s included ?
Fundamentals of IT
Java Full Stack Specialization
3 Hours classes and
3 Hours Labs Everyday
Trainers: IIT alumni &
Top MNCs like Amazon, Microsoft
Unlimited opportunities from
a pool of 3000+ companies
Placement Support
  • Aptitude Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Resume Preparation
  • AI-Powered Mock Interviews
  • Mock Interviews by Tech and HR Panels
  • 300+ Senior Interview Experiences
  • Scheduling Interviews
  • Access to Placement Portal
  • Mega Offline Placement Drives
  • Negotiation with companies for higher salaries
9AM - 9PM Doubt Clarification. 1500+ Mentors to help you.
10+ Real-time Projects for strong resume
24/7 Online Lab Access
NxtWave Intensive is not a Job
Guarantee Program.
Non-refundable Upfront Fee
12% of Annual CTC
Pay after you get a job
Additional Scholarships Up To
Fee increases from February 1st
Additional Scholarships Up To
What’s included ?
Everything in Postpaid
After you complete the course, if you don't get a job, the amount paid will be refunded with a deduction (Terms and Conditions Apply).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Full Stack Developer course?

NxtWave Full Stack Developer course is an advanced training program designed to teach you the industry-relevant skills necessary to become a full-stack developer.

Our Full Stack Developer course covers both front-end and back-end web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Spring Boot, React JS, and more.

The curriculum is designed by the IIT alumni, and industry experts from Top MNCs like Amazon and Microsoft, to help you become job-ready. Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, you'll build a portfolio that showcases your abilities to potential employers.

So, Kickstart your IT career as a Full Stack Developer with the most highly rated NxtWave Full Stack Developer course, with more than 2000 companies having hired NxtWave learners.

What is the duration of Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad?

It will take 8 months for you to complete this Full Stack Developer course if you follow the course instructions. Otherwise, you can complete the course at your own pace.

Why is everyone saying NxtWave online sessions are extremely effective?

Well, on NxtWave platform, it’s not just online sessions. But it’s a comprehensive online learning ecosystem.

The platform is carefully designed to take care of all your learning needs. For example, 24x7 Online Labs allow you to practice instantly while you attend a session. And it’s natural to get doubts while you learn something new. But you’ll never get stuck up with them as you can reach out to domain experts without any hassles through discussion forums on the platform. 

By revising sessions anytime, you can learn in your own time and at your own pace. And you need not prepare summary notes for sessions because the summary notes/cheat sheets on the platform do that job for you with all the key concepts of a topic in one place.

Most importantly, you’ll always stay motivated to learn because you can track your daily progress. And social learning with batchmates keeps you engaged.

Read many learners sharing their love and experience of learning online at NxtWave: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

Read what our learners have to say about their experience - https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

How flexible are the timings of NxtWave Intensive program?

You have the flexibility to learn at your convenient time and pace. However, we suggest you stick to a consistent time every day. Only when online live webinars happen, you need to attend them at a particular time. Mostly such webinars happen during weekends or in the evenings of working days. All the learning modules are very interactive.

What if I get doubts while learning?

Yes, it’s natural to get doubts while you learn something new. But you’ll never get stuck up with them as you can reach out to domain experts from 9 AM - 9 PM every day. Doubts clarification at NxtWave is 7x faster than the industry standards.

You can post your questions in the discussions forum and domain experts will get back to you with solutions/clarifications. You can also see the questions and answers posted by other students and get a better understanding of concepts.

Why is it recommended that you learn right from fundamentals at NxtWave Intensive?

In any skill, when you're strong with the fundamentals, you learn quickly and master it faster. And software development is no exception. If you build solid foundations, you can learn advanced concepts, languages and frameworks easily.

So we recommend that you learn right from fundamentals at NxtWave Intensive even though you have undergone training at another learning program. It is because you learn programming in a non-conventional way here that helps you develop the thinking patterns of a world-class developer.

How can I learn along with my college or office?

Learning in NxtWave Intensive is self-paced. You can join the program and learn after your working hours/regular college hours and on weekends.

What Is the eligibility for Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad?

This Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad is open to all students from diverse backgrounds, such as B.Tech(all IT and non-IT Branches), BSc, B.Com, BBA, MBA, and others. No CGPA cut-off required and no prior coding knowledge is required.

Why anyone looking for a tech job can join the program without worrying about their background?

NxtWave Intensive program is designed to get anyone ready for a tech job within a short time. Your degree, branch, marks, or backlogs — nothing is a barrier to join the program and get a tech job. You need not have any previous coding knowledge. You’ll learn everything from scratch.

You may be afraid of coding due to your previous experiences. But our passionate trainers will simplify every concept and teach by integrating science-backed methods. So you'll understand concepts easily, and they stick in your mind instantly. It’s one of the reasons why many of your friends are recommending that you join NxtWave

Within 2-3 weeks at NxtWave, you’ll become amazingly confident about skills and fall in love with software development. By the time you complete the program, you’ll reach a stage where companies compete for you.

It’s because you’ll build industry-aligned real-time projects during the program and develop a strong personal portfolio. Due to this, your background (degree, marks, backlogs etc.) becomes insignificant before your skills.

Hundreds of NxtWave learners have proved that nothing matters to get a tech job except your willingness to learn. Read their inspiring success stories here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

The program is most suitable for final year students, job seekers, and those looking to switch to a tech career.

The students who have finished the NxtWave intensive program have an opportunity to get placed in top companies.

How are many graduates with B.A, B.Com, BSc, MBA degrees getting tech jobs?

Your degree is not a barrier to get a tech job. It’s because companies look for candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, your resume will become very powerful. Many NxtWave learners have proved it by getting placed on par with those who hold a Computer Science degree.

For example, Sonali, a NxtWave Intensive learner who has a specialization in Chemistry got a tech job with ₹7 Lakhs annual salary at ADF, a US-based tech company.

Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories. You can read them here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

Even with a career gap, how are many graduates getting a tech job?

Your career gap is not a barrier to getting a tech job. It’s because companies need candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, you’ll develop skills that companies look for. Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories of graduates with gaps in their resumes. You can read their reviews and success stories here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

So, you’ll have a good possibility to get hired by companies that are not concerned with your career gap. Though opportunities for candidates with career gaps are relatively lesser than recent graduates, there are many opportunities even then.

For example, Umamaheswari, a NxtWave Intensive learner graduated in 2015. Later, she got married and couldn't pursue a career as she took care of her family. She lost nearly 7 years. Now, Uma got placed as a Business Analyst at EXL Service.

You can read her journey here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/uma-maheswari-v-_firstjob-success-professionalwomen-activity-6905457142984249344-ftqJ/

Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories of graduates with gaps in their resumes. You can read their reviews and success stories here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

How are many Non-CS branch (Mech, Civil, ECE, EEE, Chemical) graduates getting tech jobs?

Your branch is not a barrier to get a tech job. It’s because companies look for candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, your resume will become so powerful that your branch will become insignificant before your skills. And many NxtWave learners have proved it by getting placed on par with Computer Science students.

For example, Sushanth is a civil engineering graduate. After building programming skills from scratch at NxtWave, he cleared his first-ever tech interview in the first attempt itself. Now, he got placed as a Full Stack Developer at needl.ai with ₹11 lakhs per annum salary.

Similarly, hundreds of non-CS graduates got tech jobs with NxtWave Intensive. You can read their reviews and success stories here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

Do I need a laptop to attend NxtWave Intensive program?

Yes, you need a laptop to learn effectively. While you can attend sessions, participate in quizzes on your mobile, you will need a laptop to work on coding assignments and projects.

Recommended Specifications:
Windows 10/Ubuntu/macOS

How long will I receive the placement support?

After you complete the job track you have chosen in the program, you’ll get Dedicated Placement Assistance with Aptitude Training, Communication Skills Training, Resume Preparation Support, Mock Interviews and more.

Then, you can sit for placements with companies that are hiring with NxtWave. During this period, interviews will be arranged until you get a job. There is no limitation on the number of interviews you can attend. 

You’ll receive dedicated placement support for 16 months from the date of joining.
Please Note that NxtWave Intensive is NOT a Job Guarantee Program.

You can check out the success stories of students who placed through NxtWave here: https://www.ccbp.in/reviews

Do I have to take the first job I'm offered?

Yes. Once the placement process begins, we will recommend you to MNCs and startups in our network. You need to accept the job offer if you clear the selection process.

Will I get a certificate after completing the Full Stack Developer course?

Yes, you’ll receive an Industry-Ready Certification (IRC), and since NxtWave is an official partner to the NSDC you will be in more demand for companies that hire our learners.

What is IRC?

IRC stands for Industry Ready Certification. Unlike any other study certificate, IRC represents your readiness for a job and approves that you have skills that companies look for.

NxtWave is one of the very few EdTech companies that is an Official Partner for NSDC, under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India.

Your skills will be jointly certified by NxtWave and NSDC. It means you‘ll become more in demand for companies that hire NxtWave learners.

Why is IRC more powerful than regular study certificates?

It’s because an individual gets an IRC only after completing industry-aligned projects, assignments and tests designed by world-class developers in the NxtWave curriculum.

NxtWave is one of the very few EdTech companies that is an Official Partner for NSDC, under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India.

Governments/Govt. Organizations recognize only those training programs that are proven to bring results after an extensive evaluation process. So if you hold a certificate recognized by NSDC, companies have greater trust in your skills. It gives you an edge during interviews.

Is there an EMI option to pay the fee for NxtWave Intensive?

Yes, EMI support is available for credit cards. Please select the EMI option while making payment for more information.

What are the terms of the refund?

Please check the refund policy here: https://www.ccbp.in/terms-and-conditions#payments

Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, the city of pearls! Nestled in the heart of South India, Hyderabad, the capital of the Indian state of Telangana, is a city with a population of over 10 million people. The oldest city with rich history and culture that is reflected in its monuments, food, and festivals.

Hyderabad is also a hub for IT and tech industries, offering immense opportunities for young professionals. The city's vibrant startup ecosystem and incubation centres make it a perfect destination for entrepreneurs and startups looking to make their mark.

The city's lifestyle is an exciting mix of old and new. Hyderabad offers a diverse range of options for youngsters, from its traditional bazaars to its modern malls and shopping centres. The city's cafes, restaurants, and pubs cater to a variety of tastes and preferences, making it a foodie's paradise.

The top ten must visit attractions in Hyderabad for youngsters are Charminar, Golconda Fort, Hussain Sagar Lake, Ramoji Film City, Salar Jung Museum, Chowmahalla Palace, Birla Mandir, Laad Bazaar, Nehru Zoological Park, and Durgam Cheruvu. 

Hyderabad's nightlife is also buzzing. With its affordable cost of living, excellent infrastructure, and friendly people, Hyderabad is an excellent destination for young professionals and students looking to make a mark in their careers.

Full Stack Developer Course Learner Reviews

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How difficult is a full stack developer course?

Becoming a full-stack developer is an exciting journey filled with challenges. Mastering diverse technologies spanning front-end and back-end development opens doors to endless opportunities in the tech industry. Whether you're starting from scratch or building on existing skills, consistent study and hands-on practice are key to success.

At NxtWave, the curriculum and teaching approach are carefully crafted to empower learners at every step. We have successfully transformed numerous individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with zero coding knowledge, into skilled developers who are not only job-ready but also placed in top-tier positions. This success emphasizes the effectiveness and trustworthiness of our expertise training, making it a reliable choice for aspiring developers looking to start their careers in the field.

Can I learn full stack development in 1 year?

Yes, it is possible to learn full stack development within a year, especially with a structured learning path and consistent effort. Many successful developers have started from scratch and achieved proficiency within this timeframe. The key is to stay focused, follow a curriculum that covers essential skills comprehensively, and practice regularly.

Which institute is best for full stack developers in Hyderabad?

In Hyderabad, several reputable institutes offer full-stack developer courses, each emphasizing factors such as curriculum comprehensiveness, faculty expertise, practical hands-on experience, and alumni success stories. These considerations are crucial for aspiring developers looking to excel in the industry.

Nxtwave is widely recognized as a top choice among aspiring full-stack developers in Hyderabad. The course curriculum is curated by industry experts and focuses on hands-on learning through real-world projects. With experienced faculty bringing extensive industry insights, it focuses on a dynamic learning environment where students engage deeply with the latest technologies and trends. We also have a track record of successful alumni placements in leading tech companies, demonstrating its effectiveness in preparing graduates for competitive careers in IT.

What is the salary of Full Stack Developers in Hyderabad?

According to Ambitionbox, ₹3.8 LPA is the average fresher salary for a Full Stack Developer in Hyderabad.

Are Full Stack Developers in Demand?

Yes, Full Stack Developers are in high demand, as they possess a unique combination of front-end and back-end development skills. This versatility makes them valuable assets to any organisation, and the demand for such professionals is only expected to grow in the coming years.

According to a report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers, including full stack developers, is projected to grow 22% from 2019 to 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.

Some of the top companies that frequently hire full stack developers in Hyderabad include Amazon, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Wipro, Accenture, and others.

Why become a Full Stack Developer?

These are some of the advantages you can consider to become Full Stack Developer -

  1. High demand for skilled professionals in the industry

  2. Competitive salary and attractive job opportunities

  3. Flexibility to work in various aspects of web development

  4. Ability to work independently or as part of a team

  5. Constant opportunities for learning and professional growth

Can a fresher become a full stack developer?

Absolutely, a fresher can transition into full stack development roles. Many companies value enthusiasm, adaptability, and a strong foundation in programming concepts over extensive experience. Entry-level positions and internships are often available for fresh graduates or those switching careers. Building a solid portfolio of projects and demonstrating proficiency in relevant technologies through certifications or personal projects can significantly enhance employability.

Can a Non-IT Person Become a Full Stack Developer?

Yes, a non-IT person can become a full stack developer with dedication and learning. It requires consistent effort to acquire skills in both front-end (like HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end (like databases, and server-side languages). Online courses, bootcamps, self-study, and practical experience through projects & internships also enhance proficiency. Transitioning into this role may take time, but it's achievable with perseverance and a solid learning plan.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer?

A Full Stack Developer is responsible for

  1. Developing and maintaining web applications

  2. Creating responsive user interfaces

  3. Writing server-side logic

  4. Managing databases and ensuring data integrity

  5. Collaborating with cross-functional teams

  6. Debugging and optimizing web applications

  7. Ensuring website security and performance