
15 Best MERN Stack Projects Ideas to Boost Your Skills and Portfolio

26 Aug 2024
6min read

MERN stack, the acronym stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, is a powerful framework for full-stack development. These technologies combine to allow a developer to build robust and live web pages by using the power of JavaScript at each step. Development in projects based on the MERN stack may help a developer enhance skills and showcase the code. We have taken the time to review the best MERN stack projects in 2024, that range in complexity from beginner to expert. These projects benefit developers seeking hands-on experience in the MERN stack and finding ways to share their new knowledge.

MERN Stack Project Ideas

Here, are the MERN Stack Project Ideas for Beginners to Advanced levels:

MERN Stack Projects for Beginners

Here are MERN stack projects for beginners ranging from basic to advanced:

1. To-do List App

This project aims to develop an application that manages tasks through the addition, editing, and deletion of items. The majority of applications allow users to add tasks and then display them in the list of all tasks while allowing the user to mark them as done. This will introduce the CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete; state management with React; and communication with the backend through Express and Node.js.

2. Quiz App

This application would allow users to view and take quizzes, submit answers, and get scores back. This could include multiple choice questions, time constraints, and having scores saved from previous submissions. This project will introduce dynamic form handling, state management for the user's responses, and the ability to display results at the end of a quiz. This project would make a good teaching tool to allow a developer to learn about interactive user interfaces and data manipulation.

3. Address Book

This project will have the user adding, editing, and removing contact information. Each contact will have fields that are necessary for the application such as name, phone number, email, and address. This project will be focused on CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), data validation, and design of the user interface, focusing on storing and retrieving contact details. 

4. Note-taking App

This application would create, edit, and delete notes. Each note would have a title and content with tags or categories to keep them organized. The project might introduce data persistence, helping to understand how one would go about managing or storing generated content by users, how to handle form inputs, or the ability to search through notes and probably filter them based on search criteria.

5. Expense Tracker

This application would allow a user to input, sort, and categorize expenses and budgeting. Key features may include adding new expenses, categorizing them, creating budget limits, and displaying summaries of expenses. Users may be able to visualize their spending habits using charts or reports. 

6. Online Bookstore E-commerce App

An online bookstore for users to browse, search, and purchase books. This project typically includes product listings, a shopping cart, user accounts, and order management. It involves integrating payment gateways, managing product data, and working with user authentication to deliver a complete e-commerce experience.

7. Chat Website

A chatting site, that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time. It typically includes user authentication, chat rooms or private messaging, and message history. This application involves WebSockets or similar technology for real-time communication and teaches how to handle live data updates and manage user sessions.

8. Travel Journal App

An application for users to record their travel experiences through entries and uploading photos. It includes features like tagging locations, sharing entries with others, and viewing a timeline of travels. This project covers multimedia management, and user-generated content, and includes interactive features.

9. Restaurant App

An application to view restaurant menus, place orders, and leave reviews. It might include searching for restaurants, details menus, and a way of managing orders. This project involves handling user input, managing reviews and ratings, and designing an interactive user interface.

Advanced MERN Stack Projects

Here, are the advanced MERN Stack Projects. Candidates can add these projects to their resumes as well:

10. Social Networking Platform

An online website where users can create profiles, post updates, and stay connected with friends. Key features will be user authentication, friend requests, a news feed, and uploading media. This project will encompass a wide variety of features including real-time notifications, handling media, and building relationships with other users.

11. Real Estate Management Application

An application to manage the listings of real estate properties. Includes property searches, detailed property views, and booking appointments. Users can search by related criteria, take a detailed view of a property, and set up an appointment to view the property. This project will include dealing with complex data models, integrating search, and managing user preferences.

12. Food Ordering Application

A way to order food from local restaurants. Features include a list of restaurants to order from, browsing restaurant menus, placing an order, and tracking the order. The project will also cover payment processing, user authentication, and managing an order placed, which aids in providing the most complete food ordering solution.

13. Health Tracker Application

An application to track various health metrics including your workout, dietary information, and your health goals. You can log your activities, set your health goals, and view the results of your progress. This project will include many types of health data, integrating third-party APIs to access health data and the visualization of health data for health metrics.

14. Translation Web Application

An application located on the web to translate between different languages. You may input text, choose the translated language, and view the translation. This project will show you how to work with third-party services and handle multi-language support.

15. Stock Market Portfolio App

This application provides the user with the ability to manage stock market investments, tracking their portfolio's performance along with tracking trend analysis. Real-time stock price updates, portfolio valuation, and historical data analysis will be key features. This project includes API integrations to financial systems, big calculations, and managing big data.

How to Showcase MERN Stack Projects on Your Resume

Here, is the way to showcase MERN Stack Projects on your resume:

  • Feature the key highlights of your project that would demonstrate your proficiency.
  • List which technologies and tools were used, and how they were displayed in your project.
  • If possible, include any metrics or results that show the effectiveness or success of your project.
  • Provide links to the live application or GitHub repository, so a potential employer can see both the code and the product in action.

By showcasing your projects, potential employers will see your full-stack applications, problem-solving ability, attention to detail, and how well you can work with new technologies.


In Conclusion, the MERN stack projects are important for modern web development which offers a comprehensive approach using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. Whether you want to learn to make a MERN project or explore MERN project ideas, such projects will help to upgrade your skills and boost your resumé from a beginner's to an advanced level. Working on these real-time MERN projects will help you gain experience that you can demonstrate in building competitive dynamic web applications in the market today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Long Does it Take to complete the MERN Stack project

The time it takes to complete a MERN stack project is determined by the project's complexity.

  •  Simple Projects such as ToDo List or Notes Maker can take 2-4 weeks to complete.
  • Advanced projects such as a social media platform or AI-powered apps, will require more than 3-6 months.

2. Why building MERN Stack Projects Important?

MERN stack projects become very important for several reasons:

  • They cover frontend and backend technologies that enable a developer to build a full-stack perspective and versatile skills throughout the development lifecycle. 
  • These have a unified technology stack in which JavaScript is used for client-side and server-side development, hence making the coding easier and avoiding the hassle of switching between languages and tools.
  • MERN stack projects bring together state-of-the-art technologies and best practices adhering to industry standards, which equip developers not only with modern industry standards but also make them more marketable.
  • Working on projects involving the MERN stack gives hands-on experience in building robust and scalable applications that employers want and are important in real-world problem-solving.
  • The completion of projects using the MERN stack can help increase the likelihood that more complex full-stack applications are built, thus making the portfolio look more attractive to potential employers and clients.

3. What is a Full Stack MERN project?

Full Stack MERN projects are those web applications that use the MERN stack. The MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js which allows the development of both the frontend and the backend using JavaScript. It includes MongoDB as the database, Express.js for server-side logic, React for the user interface, and Node.js powering the server. This makes such projects able to cover a comprehensive approach toward web development and demonstrate the skills in the whole process of development.

4. What are some of the recommended MERN stack projects for final-year students?

Here are the project ideas for final-year students should consider:

  • Online Learning Management Systems: Design online Learning Management Systems to manage courses, student progress, and interactive content.
  • Real-time Collaboration Tools: These would be chat apps or any project management tool that would allow real-time updating.
  • E-commerce platforms: Product listing, user accounts, and payment processing.
  • Social networking sites: It possesses all the features that a social networking site should have, like user profiles, posts, comments, notifications, etc.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does "M" stand for in MERN?


B) MongoDB

C) Mongoose

D) MariaDB

Answer: B) MongoDB

2. Which framework in the MERN stack is used to build a web application's backend?

A) React

B) Express.js

C) Node.js

D) MongoDB

Answer: B) Express.js

3. Which technology from the MERN stack manages the database?

A) Express.js

B) React

C) Node.js

D) MongoDB

Answer: D) MongoDB

4. Which library is primarily used for building user interfaces in MERN stack development?

A) Mongoose

B) Node.js

C) React

D) Express.js

Answer: C) React

5. Which tool is commonly used to handle real-time communication in a MERN stack application?

A) Mongoose


C) Redux

D) Webpack

Answer: B)

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